Business Meeting 2010

The meeting was called to order by DNP Chair Kumar Sharma (KS) circa 12:30 on Tuesday 8 June 2010.

KS introduced the 2009-2011 DNP executive, listed below.

Chair: Kumar Sharma (Manitoba)
Chair-Elect: Jens Dilling (TRIUMF)
Secretary-Treasurer: Barry Davids (TRIUMF)
Past Chair: Malcolm Butler (Saint Mary’s)

Elections will be held next year prior to the CAP Congress.

1. Financial and Membership Report

Secretary-Treasurer B. Davids (BD) presented a brief financial and membership report, summarized below.

a) Financial state

In the year from Apr. 30 2009 – Apr 30 2010, we ran an operating deficit of $635,
leaving our balance at $9494. Our expenses during that period included a $240 registration fee and $425 for lunches at at the 2009 congress, $1000 for the DNP thesis prize awarded to Rob MacDonald, and a $250 contribution for student prizes at the WNPPC. Offsetting these $1915 in expenditures were $1280 in revenues from 128 full memberships at $10 each.

b> Membership

In 2009, the latest year for which figures are available, we had 132 full members. This is a small increase over last year. Student numbers were not available at the time of the meeting but have been requested from the executive director of CAP.

c) Financial outlook

If membership remains constant, we can expect to be able to spend ~$1300 per year without diminishing our bank balance. With a $1000 thesis prize and CAP Congress expenses, we don’t really have any money left over for extras.

During the question period, Jean Barrette pointed out that spending most of our money on the thesis prize is a bit unusual, and that perhaps we should consider finding a sponsor. The possibility of raising our membership fees to $15 per annum was discussed. KS expressed surprise that CAP didn’t ask us for the number of participants for the lunch orders, but Roby Austin pointed out that the costs were included when registering. Wim van Oers expressed the view that we should continue to defer the registration costs of foreign invited speakers. BD suggested that we need to have a well defined policy on these registration fee payments so as to provide guidance to CAP session chairs. KS agreed and said that the executive would discuss this.

2. Lab Report

A report on SNOLAB was presented by director Nigel Smith.

3. Chair’s Report

KS reported on the awarding of the 2009-2010 DNP Thesis Prize to Rob MacDonald of the University of Alberta for his precise measurement of the muon decay parameters rho and delta. There were six very good entries in the competition and it was quite close. KS thanked the judges B. Davids, J. Svenne, and R. Lewis for their work.

KS described the recently established DNP-TRIUMF-CAP Vogt medal for subatomic physics. The award will be granted based on recent activities rather than lifetime achievement.

KS invited everyone to the NSERC long range planning meetings at this Congress. He also mentioned the 2011 CAP Congress and solicited suggestions for session topics. Jens Dilling suggested a joint DNP/PPD session on neutrinoless double beta decay.

Shelley Page reported that DNP is one of the largest CAP divisions without a CAP student prize. This initiated a discussion of whether or not it would be a good idea to establish one. The typical prize is $200 in other divisions. Edward Mathie inquired whether or not other divisions have thesis prizes. KS promised a discussion among the executive about a student prize.

KS described the NSERC LRP process, mentioning the talk given by Malcom Butler and reported that briefs will be prepared by the CINP and IPP by the end of September for submission to the LRP committee.

KS thanked the session chairs and BD moved to adjourn the meeting circa 13:30.