Business Meeting 2022

2022 CAP DNP Annual Business Meeting Minutes

The virtual meeting was called to order via Zoom by DNP Chair Michael Gericke (MG) at 11:34 PDT on Thursday, June 23rd, 2022. Six DNP members were present at the online meeting.

The chair’s motion to approve the agenda was seconded by Secretary-Treasurer Barry Davids (BD), and in the absence of objections or additions the agenda was adopted. MG introduced the 2021-2023 CAP DNP Executive Committee:

Michael Gericke, Manitoba, Chair
Liliana Caballero, Guelph, Vice Chair
Corina Andreoiu, Simon Fraser, Past Chair
Barry Davids, TRIUMF, Secretary-Treasurer

The Chair summarized the Division’s participation in the 2022 Congress at McMaster University in Hamilton. 19 DNP students entered the competition for best student talks and 3 entered the poster competition. There were 9 invited talks in the regular DNP sessions. An electron ion collider symposium had 11 talks, of which 8 were invited.

Three DNP student prizes were awarded at the Congress for oral presentations:

1. Frank (Tongan) Wu of SFU won first prize in the DNP and $200. He won 2nd place in the overall congress competition.
2. Brynne Blaikie of Manitoba won the $100 2nd prize in the DNP competition.
3. Coulter Walls of Manitoba and TRIUMF won the $50 3rd prize in the competition.

Sakshi Kakkar of Manitoba and TRIUMF won the DNP poster competition.

The Chair and Vice Chair announced that there was only one entry in the 2021-2022 Thesis Prize competition. Consistent with the Division’s rules, this submission will automatically be entered into the 2022-2023 competition.

The Secretary-Treasurer presented a financial and membership report that is summarized below.

The Division started 2021 with an opening bank balance of $3612. During the year it spent $250 on student prizes for the Winter Nuclear and Particle Physics Conference and $350 for CAP Congress student prizes; the division received $1635 in membership dues, resulting in an operating surplus of $35 and an ending balance of $3647. The Division agreed in 2016 that a bank balance of approximately $2000 should be maintained. Hence we have a surplus of ~$1600.

As of June 1st, 2022 the DNP had 379 members, which is 7% fewer than last year’s 408. There were 107 full, 106 graduate student, 154 undergraduate student, and 12 high school teacher members. The number of (dues-paying) full members declined by 4% over the past year. The number of undergraduate student members diminished by 13% in 2021 and grad student members declined by 3%.

The Past Chair inquired if we are actively recruiting students and in response the Chair pledged to send an email to faculty members to encourage their students to join. Student memberships are free. The Vice Chair noted that a DNP student won 2nd prize in the overall student competition and that this was a good incentive to send students to the Congress. She then asked who administers the DNP website. Zisis Papandreou, a previous DNP Chair, explained that he had set it up using the WordPress format, that it had been moved to the CAP site from Regina, and that it was very simple to administer. MG said that he thought the Executive Committee members should all have passwords so that we can upload photos to the site. He indicated that he would take over the administration of the site. Zisis said that he would work on it in the following week.

As 2022 is an even-numbered year, no election was required. The Vice Chair will succeed the Chair in 2023, at which time he will become Past Chair. An election for the Secretary-Treasurer and Vice Chair will be held in the spring of 2023. The Past Chair urged the Vice Chair to recruit candidates early and to keep diversity in mind.

The 2023 Congress is anticipated to take place from June 19-23 at the University of New Brunswick in Fredericton, NB.

There being no further business, MG moved the meeting be adjourned at 11:54 PDT.